FIKP Unhas sukses gelar simposium MARSAVE2020, siapa saja pembicara?

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Dr Sue Wells, salah seorang pembicara kunci pada simposium Marsave2020 (dok: istimewa)

PELAKITA.ID – Selamat untuk Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas), selamat kepada civitas dan tim kerja FIKP yang telah menggelar event keren #MARSAVE2020 (10/10/2020).

Redaksi menuliskan para pemateri di ‘parallel sessions‘. Siapa saja pemicara kunci, pembicara undangan dan pemapar hasil riset? Apa judul paparannya? Simak yuk.

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Pembicara kunci, pembicara undangan.

Keynote Speaker 1 Dr Peter  Mous (The Nature Conservancy Indonesia), pembicara undangan (invited speakers) Dr. Sebastian Thomas 2. Dr. Shaili Johri 3. Laurence J. McCook, PhD. 4. Dr. Maarten de Brauwer 5. Dr. Naomi Gardiner

Keynote Speaker 2 Dr. Sue Wells – IUCN Green List Standards Committee, dan invited speakers: 1. Dr. Iain C. Neish 2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc. 3. Dr. Theresa Dabruzzi 4. Dr. Dominik Kneer 5. Prof. Dr. Marc Kochzius.

Room 1.  Marine Biodiversity

A01 Rohani Ambo Rappe Seagrass habitat characteristics of seahorses in Selayar Island, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

A02 Hartati Tamti Preliminary assessment of Tripneustes gratilla population and their management urgencies in the Spermonde Archipelago

A03 Joeharnani Tresnati Blue-barred parrotfish Scarus ghobban Forsskål,  1775: is it a protogynous?

A04 Ambo Tuwo Reproductive strategy of rivulated parrotfish Scarus rivulatus Valenciennes, 1840 A05 Dody Priosambodo Sponges diversity in seagrass meadow of Panikiang Island, Barru, South Sulawesi

A06 Arniati Massinai Zooplankton Tintinnopsis dominance in the Estuary of Polong River, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia A07 Aidah Ambo Ala First record of sand bass Psammoperca waigiensis from Spermonde reefs

A08 Muhammad Lukman LIPI COREMAP-CTI Nusa Manggala Oceanographic Survey, II: Oceanic phytoplankton community of north-eastern part of the Indonesian waters – adjacent to the southwest Pacific Ocean

A09 Mujiyanto Post tsunami condition of the coral reefs in Paraja Bay, Pandeglang District, Banten Province, Indonesia

A10 Joeharnani Tresnati Peanut crab Pinnotheres halingi, a symbiotic commensal or parasite of sandfish Holothuria scabra?

A11 Funty Septiyawati Physiological responses of hard coral on marginal habitats A12 Dody Priosambodo Presence status of birds at Barru coastal region South Sulawesi

A13 Nita Rukminasari Dinoflagellate cyst composition, abundance, and assemblages in surface sediment of Paotere Port, Makassar, Eastern Indonesia: Preliminary study for dinoflagellate cyst identification and collection A14

A15 Abigail Mary Moore Sharks and Rays (Chondrichthyes) around Banggai Island, Banggai MPA, Indonesia: biodiversity data from an environmental DNA pilot study

A16 Widsyastuti Estimation of Lobophyllia corymbosa larval dispersion based on hydrodynamic patterns in Sulawesi waters

A17 Sri Wahyuni Analysis of changes in coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) morphology and tissue after exposure to clove oil

A18 Rachel The role of plasticity in personality responses to changing coral cover in the butterflyfish, Chaetodon lunulatus A19 Abigail Mary Moore A review of the known distribution of Halophila spinulosa in Indonesia with herbarium from Laikang in South Sulawesi.


Room 2.  Technology, Climate and Modelling

B01 Taslim Arifin Benthic habitat mapping of Kangean Islands, Sumenep Regency using Sentinel-2 imagery

B02 Sulfitratullah Development prospects for “green” bioplastics from microalgae and microorganisms

B03 Abigail Mary Moore Powering and linking islands sustainably – perspectives on adapting the “Ellen” approach to an Indonesian context

B04 Dwiyoga Nugroho The application of semi submersible geotextile tube for coastal protection in Pamekasan Madura B05 Sekar Pandan Dyah Ayu Worokinkkin Ocean plastic waste seeker: REVIRO system and technology for collecting and processing ocean plastic waste using solar energy

B06 Muhammad Banda Selamat Development of benthic spatial ratio index as an indicator of small island deformation

B07 Niken Financia Gusmawati The preliminary study of the utilization of salinity and vegetation index from satellite images to support the mangrove rehabilitation in Muara Gembong, Bekasi, West Java

B08 Andik Isdianto Forest density and extent of mangrove distribution in Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Central Java using Landsat Image 8

B09 Andi Rani Sahni Putri Impact of increasing sea surface temperature on pelagic fish habitat in the Flores Sea

B10 Muhamad Roem Surface wind regimes along the Northeast Coast of Borneo during 2016-2018 B11 Muhamad Roem Sediment dynamics and depositional environment on Panjang Island reef flat, Indonesia: Insight from grain size parameters

B12 Irman Rumengan Spatial analysis condition of coral coverage in Kofiau-Boo Marine Protected Area

B13 Yayu A. La Nafie Changes in seagrass carbon stock: Implications of decreasing area and percentage cover of seagrass beds in Barranglompo Island, Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

B14 Zaitun A numerical model for pollutant distribution in a closed lagoon with inlet and outlet

B15 Andi Agus Analysis of small scales fisheries regulation in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi

B16 David Maharya Ardyantara Repositioning of authority among state institutions in arrangements related to national maritime defense

B17 La Ode Muhammad Aslan Production of the carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii in Indonesia: How to develop long-term sustainability for the industry

B18 Ophirtus Sumule Indonesian seaweed development based on innovation cluster model: a new approach to improve added value, competitiveness and sustainability

B19 Sutinah Gender analysis in the cultivation of seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) in South Sulawesi Province.


Room 3. Aquaculture/integrated sea farming and Biotechnology

C01 La Ode Muhammad Aslan A preliminary study of the effect of different seedling sources on growth and carrageenan yield of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii cultivated in South Konawe and Bombana Regency, Southeast (SE) Sulawesi, Indonesia

C02 Joeharnani Tresnati Effect of salinity on the growth of seaweed Gracilaria changii (Xia and Abbott, 1987) C03 Ambo Tuwo High salinity effect on mortality of sandfish Holothuria scabra (Jaeger, 1833)

C04 Inayah Yasir Survival rate of brown-marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus cultured with seaweed Gracilaria changii in multitrophic microcosm models C05

C06 Inayah Yasir Effect of different doses of saponins and salinity on giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus

C07 Siti Aslamyah Performance and growth of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, 1775 given various doses of Lumbricus sp. extract in fermented feed

C08 Sri Redjeki Hesti Mulyaningrum Cellulolytic bacteria isolated from agar waste as candidate seaweed fermentation agents in rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) feed bioprocessing

C09 Rita Rostika Papaya derived protease as feed additive for grouper cantang (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus-lanceolatus) and snubnose dart (Triachonus blochii)

C10 Edison Saade Multi-enzyme application in the rearing of vannamei shrimp larvae, Litopenaeus vannamei

C11 Surianti Feed amino acid content, nutrient digestibility and FCR of juvenile vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) at various dosages of tofu waste fermented with mixed microorganisms

C12 Wahyudi Effect of prebiotics from legumes in milkfish (Chanos chanos) feed on bacterial populations, enzyme activity and feed conversion ratio

C13 Ervia Yudiati Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Minimum Inhibition Concentration of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio harveyi Isolated from a White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Pond

C14 Andi Yusneri Enrichment of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) megalopa natural feed with beta carotene

C15 Mohamad Gazali Screening for antioxidant activity in extracts of the green macroalga Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J. Agardh from South Aceh

C16 Amir Husni Antioxidant activity of Eucheuma spinosum extract extracted using a microwave

C17 Lulu Adilla Latifah Antibacterial assay of crude extracts from marine sponge Haliclona fascigera in Badi Island, Spermonde Archipelago against shrimp pathogenic bacteria C18 Khor Waiho Characterisation of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from the gonadal transcriptome of sacculinid-infected mud crab C19.


Room 4.  Fisheries 

D01 Christina Litaay Effect of bait availability on pole and line fisheries

D02 Achmar Mallawa Performance of traditional narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) fishing technologies in Bone Bay, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

D03 Rini Sahni Putri Characteristics of small pelagic fish fishing grounds in the Makassar Strait using remote sensing oceanographic data

D04 Aida Sartimbul Plankton abundance and its implications for Sardinella lemuru catch in Prigi waters

D05 Mukti Zainuddin Dynamics of thermal fronts distribution in the Flores Sea: An implication for locating skipjack tuna fishing ground

D06 Adam Azhar Amirullah Implementation of small scale fisheries development policy in South Konawe District

D07 Herawati Haruna Sharks and their management in the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi

D08 Sitti Hilyana Socio-economic impacts on lobster fishery actors after the implementation of Regulation Permen KP No 12/PERMEN- KP/2020

D09 Sitti Hilyana Assessments of lobster fisheries and sustainable management strategies: A case study of EAFM in Central Lombok – Indonesia

D10 Sherly Ridhowati Sustainability study of household scale fisheries management using RAPFISH modified method (a case study in Sungsang 1, Banyuasin District)

D11 Muhammad Syahdan Management status of mud crab fisheries in selected areas of FMA 713, Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia using the Indonesian Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Assessment Methodology

D12 Nur Isiyana Wianti Paradoxical livelihoods in an open resource area: Trawler and blue swimming crab fisher dynamic conflict constellation in Tiworo Strait D13 Musbir Integrated system for seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) culture and striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) fishing in coastal waters

D14 Achmar Mallawa Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) Population dynamics parameters in Bone Bay, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

D15 Najamuddin Relationship between purse seine dimensions and catch volume in Sikka Regency, Indonesia

D16 Alfa F. P. Nelwan  Study on fishing ground extent and fishing catch rate of boat lift nets in the territorial waters of Barru, Makassar Strait

D17 Zainal Wassahua Catch comparison of sweeping trammel (ciker) nets using 6 sections operated with different towing paths

D18 Abu Bakar Sambah Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a distribution from Himawari satellite and its relation to yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean.


Room 5.  Pollution and Biotechnology

E01 Cindy Amelinda Occurrence of microplastic particles in milkfish (Chanos chanos) from brackishwater ponds in Bonto Manai Village, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

E02 Lily Surayya Eka Putri Cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) as a bioindicator of microplastic pollution

E03 Rahmat Sawalman Microplastic abundance in sea urchins (Diadema setosum) from seagrass beds of Barranglompo Island, Makassar, Indonesia

E04 Ega Adhi Wicaksono The influence of weirs on microplastic fate in the riverine environment (case study: Jeneberang River, Makassar City, Indonesia)

E05 Shinta Werorilangi Microplastics contamination in beach sediment of Puntondo coastal region, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

E06 Rinny Rahmania Mapping marine debris seasonal pattern and potential hotspot area in Banten Bay, Indonesia

E07 Inda Sari S. Relationship of nitrate, phosphate, and ammonia concentrations with phytoplankton community structure and abundance in intensive and supra-intensive ponds based on shrimp age

E08 Muhammad Farid Samawi Assimilation rate of organic matter from vanamei shrimp pond waste in coastal sediments E09 Joeharnani Tresnati Metal bioaccumulation potential of the seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii

E10 Ambo Tuwo Seaweed Eucheuma spinosum J.Agardh 1847, is it a bioaccumulator?

E11 Inayah Yasir Metal content of seaweed Gracilaria changii in production areas in South Sulawesi

E12 Sri Mulyani Relationship of the viscosity of carrageenan extracted from Kappaphycus alvarezii with seawater physical and chemical properties at different planting distances

E15 Putri Wening Ratrinia Study on microbiological quality of marlin fish balls from several markets in Tanggamus, Lampung

E16 Elmi Nurhaidah Zainuddin In-Vitro potential of Sargassum sp. as a natural antibacterial agent against fish pathogens

E17 Rahmi Transmission of Desulfovibrio salexigens DSM2638 Bacteria in Pachyseris involuta – Infection rate and changes in coral morphology at different temperatures E18   E19


Room 6.  Socio-ecological Approaches

F01 S. S. Swanson Yellow coral goby (Gobiodon okinawae) trade in Banggai Laut District, Indonesia

F02 Yulius Coastal community resilience in facing the marine tourism growth in Lombok Island, Indonesia

F03 Amanda Pricella Putri The transference of marine protected area management authority in Indonesia: Problems encountered, consequences and ways to move forward

F04 La Ode Muhammad Aslan The debt trap of Bajo commmunity seaweed farmers in Bungin Permai, South Konawe, Southeast (SE) Sulawesi

F05 Ma’ruf Kasim Status of the socio-economic community and coastal resources to support tourism in a small island in Indonesia

F06 Asril Djunaidi Benefit sharing from whale shark tourism in Botubarani, Gorontalo and Labuhan Jambu, Teluk Saleh

F07 Maulita Sari Hani Implications of passive acoustic telemetry on reef manta rays for species conservation and sustainable tourism

F08 Herawaty Haruna Trade certification status of sharks and ray products in Sulawesi

F09 Aidah Ambo Ala Grouper species and abundance by zone and depth in the Spermonde Archipelago and their economic potential

F10 Abigail Mary Moore Integrated ecological rehabilitation concept for the Coral Triangle

F11 Risandi Dwirama Putra The coral reef health index in Teluk Sebong, Bintan Island

F12 Abigail Mary Moore Historical data on shallow-water invertebrates to address the “Shifting Baselines” syndrome in Palu Bay, Indonesia

F13 Jack V. Johnson Mangrove associated coral reefs mediate coral bleaching under temperature related stress

F14 Rowan Watt-Pringle Historical Changes in Functionally Important Ecosystem Architects in the Wakatobi Marine National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

F15 Marjan Bato Save our seas: Marine awareness campaign for students in Biak Numfor Regency,Papua Province

F16 Duaitd Kolibongso Ocean science literacy for students in Nabire, Papua to support the Bird’s Head Seascape Marine Conservation: A community outreach report

F17 Ibrahim Lawan The potential of citizen science projects for coastal and marine conservation

F18 Nur Nining Community perceptions on and participation in mangrove protection efforts for climate change in Pannikiang Island, South Sulawesi

F19 Muhammad Rijal Idrus A tale of two villages: investigating sustainability through contested uses on conversion and conservation of mangroves

P17 Nadiarti Nadiarti Biological aspects of mackerel scad (Decapterus macrosoma), the dominant purse seine catch in Bone Bay, in waters around Herlang, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

P18 Musbir Main catch, bycatch, discard catch of a stationary lift net with light emitting diode (LED) light attractor system in the coastal waters of Pangkep, Makassar Strait, Indonesia

P19 Firdha Iresta Wardani Vulnerability analysis of pelagic and demersal fisheries in Bengkulu City, Fisheries Management Area 572, Indonesia

P20 Nur Asmi Kama Microplastic concentration in the seawater column compartment in Burau, Luwu Timur Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

P21 Ahmad Faizal Abundance and spatial distribution of marine debris on beaches in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi

P22 Sarmila Tamrin Microplastic concentrations in Asiatic hard clam Meretrix meretrix (Linneaus, 1758) from Lemo Beach, Burau District, Luwu Timur Regency, South Sulawesi

P23 Rachmayanti Microplastic concentration in sediment at Burau, Luwu Timur Regency, South Sulawesi

P24 Badraeni Use of CG (Colour Graduation) bioassay to determine Skeletonema sp. density at a hatchery

P25 Fahrul Mapping physical-chemical changes in skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) marketed in South Sulawesi

P26 Ahmad Bahar Estimation of the Physical Carrying Capacity for Marine Tourism in Wakatoby National Park

P27 Sutinah Seaweed export marketing analysis in companies on the Makassar Industrial Estate (PT. KIMA) P28 Andi Asni Analysis on carrageenan content of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii at different water condition in Bantaeng District.

P29 Andi Aliah Hidayani Isolation and characterization of gonad inhibiting hormone (GIH)-coding gene in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798)

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