Indonesia’s Mangroves: Threats, Challenges, and Conservation Efforts

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Mangroves in Takalar District, Indonesia (image: Pelakita.ID)

PELAKITA.ID – Mangroves in Indonesia are among the most extensive and diverse in the world, covering around 3.36 million hectares, which is nearly 20% of the world’s total mangrove forests.

They provide essential ecosystem services, including coastal protection, carbon sequestration, and habitat for marine and terrestrial species. However, their condition varies across different regions, with some areas well-preserved while others face significant degradation.

Current Condition of Mangroves in Indonesia. Healthy Mangroves: Some regions, especially in protected areas and national parks, have well-maintained mangrove forests. Government and NGO initiatives have also led to successful rehabilitation in places like Bali and North Kalimantan..

Degraded Mangroves: Many mangrove areas, especially in Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, are under severe threat due to human activities. Studies show that Indonesia has lost 40% of its mangroves in the past three decades.

Major Threats to Mangroves in Indonesia

Coastal Development & Land Conversion. Aquaculture, especially shrimp and fish farming is the biggest cause of mangrove destruction, particularly in Sumatra and Java and Kalimantan.  Urban Expansion and Infrastructure: Coastal cities like Jakarta and Surabaya are expanding into mangrove areas.

Industrial Development such as ports, factories, and tourism facilities often replace mangrove forests. Illegal logging deforestation.

Mangrove wood is used for charcoal, firewood, and construction materials, leading to significant loss in some regions.

Pollution; plastic waste and domestic pollution. Many mangrove areas are filled with non-biodegradable waste.

Chemical Pollution: Runoff from agriculture and industry poisons mangrove ecosystems.

Chemical pollution poses a serious threat to mangrove ecosystems, affecting their ability to function as coastal protectors, carbon sinks, and biodiversity hotspots. The main pollutants affecting mangroves include industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and oil spills, which lead to various ecological and physiological damages.

Climate Change & Natural Disasters. Mangroves are highly resilient ecosystems, but climate change and natural disasters are pushing them to their limits. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and temperature shifts are causing severe damage to mangrove forests in Indonesia and worldwide

Rising Sea Levels: Threatens mangrove forests by increasing erosion and submerging coastal areas.

Extreme Weather Events: Strong storms and tidal surges damage mangrove roots and soil stability.

Invasive Species. Non-native species like certain crabs and plants can disrupt natural regeneration of mangroves.

Efforts to Protect and Restore Mangroves

Government Programs: Indonesia aims to restore 600,000 hectares of mangroves by 2024, led by the Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM).

Community Involvement: Local conservation initiatives, such as in Banyuwangi, Bali, Tanakeke Islands in Sulawesi, in Kalimantan, involve coastal communities in mangrove rehabilitation.

International Support coming from The World Bank, UNDP, and NGOs like WWF are funding restoration projects.

Carbon Credit Initiatives: Some projects are integrating mangrove restoration with carbon trading to provide financial incentives for conservation.



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